REACH at the EuroTech Universities High Level Event in Brussels

04-10-16 Thomas Linner 0 comment

The REACH Consortium was represented at the EuroTech Universities annual High Level Event “Opening up Science, Advancing Innovation”, which took place on September 21st, in Brussels. The event agenda included an interactive high-level panel debate on future directions for Open Science as well as implications for EU policies and programmes, a demonstration and showcase of state-of-the-art solutions illustrating different dimensions of Open Science and networking reception, in the Dinosaur Gallery of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, with the participation of guests from academia and industry.

The EuroTech Universities Alliances is a strategic partnership for joined growth and innovation, made of four leading European Universities of Science and Technology, which are also the four academia partners of the REACH Consortium – Technical University of Munich (TUM), Technical University of Denmark (DTU), École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), and Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). REACH is a prime example of how a collaboration among the four EuroTech Universities is fruitful into creating a joined expertise in data and digital technologies, meant to address the current societal challenges.

REACH was presented, among other projects, by Prof. Y. Lu from TU/e, in the context of addressing the imminent ageing of society through innovation and technology. Following the high level panel discussion, relevant concepts have been demonstrated to the audience, including a TUM – TU/e cooperation prototype of an interactive table. For further information regarding the High Level Event, as well as the speakers and the presented projects, please refer to the official EuroTech-Universities web-site here.


Prof. Y. Lu (TU/e) introducing REACH


Prof. Y. Lu (TU/e) demonstrating the TUM – TU/e cooperation prototype of an interactive table by MSc M. Acquoij (TU/e)


M. Eng. J. Güttler (TUM) networking

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