Work in Progress

Mock-up building for active environment to start in November

Mock-up building of the first series of smart furniture (Personalized Intelligent Interior Units – PI²Us) for active environment will be vigorously started at TUM br2 lab from November 25th.

1st technical review of REACH in Brussels successfully completed

The EC invited the REACH consortium for a first technical review to Brussels for the 15th of February. 9 out of 17 partners represented the consortium and answered the questions of an interdisciplinary reviewer team. The reviewer team thanked the presenting partners for the interesting and detailed content presented.

Participation in the ISO Strategic Advisory Group “Ageing Societies” as part of standardization activities by DIN and TUM

TUM and DIN jointly participated in the work of the ISO SAG which was together with a group of experts identifying gaps and priority areas for future standardization in the context of ageing societies and technologies for ageing societies. Amongst others “early/preemptive intervention” was selected as a priority area and recommendations to form dedicated standardization committees will follow.

Project Milestone 2 reached in January 2017: REACH holistic conceptual solution detailed

Stating a key achievement of the first project year, a detailed holistic conceptual solution has been developed based on an in-depth analysis of the four use case settings, and the identification of and inclusion (through several co-creation workshops) of consortium internal and consortium external stakeholders (system operators, SMEs, companies, elderly, care personnel, insurances, etc.) in the system architecture development process. The conceptual solution fully reflects the REACH “Product-Service-System” value proposition and both existing and novel products and services of the REACH industry partners will build the basis for the upcoming implementation.