
REACH Early Detection Strategy Workshop at University of Copenhagen

REACH 2nd Consortium Meeting at Lyngby

WP2/3 data collection system meeting at TUM (TUM, Fraunhofer, SC)

WP3/7 data analytics meeting at TUM (TUM, Fraunhofer)

Overall testing strategy meetings at TUM (TUM, DTU, SK, EPFL)

Touchpoint 2 meeting at TUM (TUM, SK, SC, Fraunhofer, Alreh Medical, ArjoHunleigh)

Touchpoint 1 meeting in Warsaw (Alreh Medical, TUM, ZZ, HUG)

Touchpoint 3 meeting in Eindhoven (TU/e, TUM, ZZ, Philips)

WP1/ T1.1 (Use Case Analysis) Kick-off meeting at Schön Kliniken

Sub-system and technology specifications meetings

Workshop on motivational approaches/technologies at DTU

REACH 1st Consortium Meeting at TUM

Technology and concept alignment meeting at TUM (Alreh Medical, TUM)

REACH multi-stakeholder Workshop at Schön Kliniken

Technology and concept alignment meeting at HUG (HUG, SC, EPFL, Alreh Medical, TUM)

Technology and concept alignment meeting at SK (ArjoHunleigh, TUM, SK)

Kick-off meeting for WP2/3 group (Sensing, Monitoring, Analytics) at EPFL

REACH multi-stakeholder Workshop at Lyngby

REACH multi-stakeholder Workshop at ZuidZorg

WP6 (System Integration and Testing) kick of meeting at World Conference of Gerontechnology

REACH multi-stakeholder Workshop at Geneva Hospital

REACH holistic concept and system architecture consolidation workshop (2nd Consortium Meeting) at Tu/e

Technology and concept alignment meeting at TUM (SC, SK, TUM)

Follow-up meeting for WP2/3 group (Sensing, Monitoring, Analytics) at TUM

REACH technical Review by Project Officer and three Reviewers in Brussels

Touchpoint 3 (Socializing and Nutritional Monitoring) in-person meeting at Tu/e

Touchpoint 1 (Personal Mobility Device) Meeting in-person workshop at Alreh Medical in Warsaw

AHA Action Group A3 meeting Valencia

Touchpoint 2 (Active Environment) and smart furniture workshop at TUM