Journal of Population Ageing: Special Issue on REACH – full issue available as open access

23-06-20 Rongbo Hu 0 comment

REACH solutions focus on the systematic, target-oriented increase of physical activity of older people, and tackle the whole prevention spectrum (primary, secondary, and tertiary). It seeks to empower older people and their formal and informal caregivers, and works towards viable solutions for both the formal and informal care sector. Technology-based personalization of prevention, activation, and care services provided in various living and care settings is at the center of the developed solutions. Ideally, the toolkit approach would allow for the tailoring of solutions that create value for end-users, care providers, and health care payers alike through the combination, integration, and adaptation/re-design elements towards the different contexts of different countries, different payment, and reimbursement structures. This Special Issue sheds light on such solutions, their conception, their development, and their testing. The full issue is available online:

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