2nd REACH Consortium Meeting held successfully in Lyngby

30-10-17 Rongbo Hu 0 comment

The 2nd Consortium Meeting and early detection workshop are held successfully from September 26th to 28th 2017 in Lyngby, Denmark. All 17 partners are present and more than 30 people participated. The meeting was scheduled in a way that allowed that outcome of timing, task completion, deliverables submission, and achievements of milestones REACH progressed in reporting period 1 fully according to the schedule provided by the Gantt chart could be presented in the DoA. REACH has the aspiration to launch from each of its 5 Touchpoints and Engine clusters and innovation and is therefore experimenting with new business strategies that leverage the advantages of data driven early intervention. In regard to the REACH Management Structure & Boards, bodies and boards such as the General Assembly, the Scientific Committee, Ethics Board, Gender Board, and Advisory Board were appointed and pursue their duties.

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